Say hello to Project Tango!



Lenovo announced the first phone with Google Tango

The Lenovo Phab2 Pro is a flagship device with a 6.4-inch Quad HD display, 4GB of RAM, and five cameras, three of which are next-gen depth-sensing smart cams.

Google Project Tango:手機將內建深度感應器!

Heresy 是在《Google 推出Project Tango 計畫,要打造一款裝有3D 感應器、能感知周遭的Android 手機(影片)》。這則新聞主要就是Google 的ATAP(Advanced ...

Tango (Google)

Project Tango是Google的一個研發專案,試圖將人類對周遭空間與動態的感知能力賦予行動裝置,其專案與原型機種最初在透過網路首度公開。

Google Tango review

Using Tango's depth sensor and motion tracking, you can target two points in the camera feed and the phone will tell you how far apart those two ...

Google Tango: A glimpse into the future of AR on phones

... phone. Check out our full video catalog: ... Google Tango: A glimpse into the future of AR on phones. 153K views ...

Tango (platform)

Google produced two devices to demonstrate the Tango technology: the Peanut phone and the Yellowstone 7-inch tablet. Overview · Devices · The Peanut phone · The Yellowstone tablet

Google Project Tango專案明年3月熄燈,改由ARCore接手

Google宣佈AR專案Project Tango將在明年3月終止,接下來將由今年8月釋出的ARCore開發平臺所取代,支援動作追蹤、環境理解以及亮度測量,協助AR內容開發。

Google's Project Tango is shutting down because ARCore is already ...

Google said today that it'll be shutting down Project Tango next year, on March 1st. Project Tango was an early effort from Google to bring augmented reality ...

Lenovo's 'Tango' phone lets you map the world around you

This phone lets you 3D map your surroundings in real-time and add augmented reality overlays to the environment around you.


With a Tango-enabled phone, you also have a toy box, a solar system, and a pet shop in your pocket. You can play with a huge set of dominoes, ...


TheLenovoPhab2Proisaflagshipdevicewitha6.4-inchQuadHDdisplay,4GBofRAM,andfivecameras,threeofwhicharenext-gendepth-sensingsmartcams.,Heresy是在《Google推出ProjectTango計畫,要打造一款裝有3D感應器、能感知周遭的Android手機(影片)》。這則新聞主要就是Google的ATAP(Advanced ...,ProjectTango是Google的一個研發專案,試圖將人類對周遭空間與動態的感知能力賦予行動裝置,其專案與原型機種最初在透過網路首度公...